The FlorenceArt.Net studio is delighted to announce the redesign of our website. Over the past few months, we have been working on bringing all of our services and products online and revamping the look of our existing website. Our address has not changed but now visitors can view and purchase our silk collections and our studio artwork. We have also made it possible for you to learn with us remotely through some free video lessons and full online art courses that you can take in your own time. Even though it has been a tough few years for everyone we are embracing this digital era and have created online versions of our art courses so that people can learn with us from anywhere. Visitors to our website can now partake in two online courses; Introduction to Decorative Painting and Introduction to Water Gilding. Both courses consist of video lessons taught by Alison and Sonia, all of which were filmed in the FlorenceArt.Net studio. Each course comes with useful downloadable PDFs of the course notes, project images, and traceable materials. We have also created this new Blog page which we will update regularly with tips and news from the studio. This is a very exciting time for us and we hope you enjoy all of our new offerings!
